9.14. Temporal

9.14.1. ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP

The Temporal program is responsible for generating hourly emissions by source. Temporal creates the following intermediate file:

9.14.1. ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP

Type: I/O API NetCDF - adapted gridded format

Used by: Smkmerge and Smkreport

Table 9.35. I/O API Header for ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP

I/O API Header variable Meaning Set by...
NROWS3D Number of sources Determined by AREA, MOBL, or PNTS file
NVARS3D Number of inventory pollutants Determined by AREA, MOBL, or PNTS file

Table 9.36. Variables in ATMP, MTMP, and PTMP

Variable Name Type Units Description
Name of pollutant 1 Real ton/h Hourly emissions for pollutant 1
... ... ... ...
Name of pollutant NVARS3D Real ton/h Hourly emissions for pollutant NVARS3D