Processing categories: biogenic
Tmpbeis3 uses version 3.14 or version 3.60 of the BEIS3 model. Tmpbeis3 reads the gridded, normalized emissions file B3GRD
and meteorological data from MET_FILE1
and optionally MET_FILE2
(these files may be either MET_CRO_2D
). Note that Tmpbeis3 uses temperature and surface pressure data that must be in MET_FILE1
, and radiation/cloud data that may be in MET_FILE1
. Within Tmpbeis3, speciation profiles are used to speciate biogenic pollutants for appropriate chemical mechanisms. Various speciation profiles
for the CB4, RADM2, and SAPRC99 mechanisms are available for BEIS3 modeling. The normalized emissions and meteorological data
are used to produce gridded, speciated, hourly biogenic emissions. Additionally, an optional seasonal switch file, BIOSEASON
, can be used to determine when and where to use summer or winter normalized emissions data on a daily basis.