8.2.8. PTINV: Point source annual or average day emissions IDA Format EMS-95 Format ORL Format (Toxics)

The PTINV file is the input point source inventory file for annual and average-day data. This file can be in IDA, EMS-95, or ORL format. IDA Format

This IDA format for point-source inventories is column-specific and uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records are shown below:

#TYPE     Point Source Inventory
#YEAR     1995
#DESC     Alabama 1995

Starting in version 1.4 of SMOKE, the reader of this file has been changed to work around a bug in the version 6.5 IRIX operating system. This workaround makes the reader more sensitive to missing pollutant data. This can cause problems when reading the data if a record has missing emissions data for the last pollutant in the list given by the #POLID header. To prevent this problem, fill in the missing data columns with spaces.

The format for the data records is shown in Table 8.45, “IDA Format for PTINV”.

Table 8.45. IDA Format for PTINV

Position Name Type Description
1-2 STID Int State Code (required)
3-5 CYID Int County Code (required)
6-20 PLANTID Char Plant Identification Code (required)
21-35 POINTID Char Point Identification Code (recommended)
36-47 STACKID Char Stack Identification Code (recommended)
48-53 ORISID Char DOE Plant ID (generally recommended, and required if matching to hour-specific CEM data)
54-59 BLRID Char Boiler Identification Code (recommended)
60-61 SEGMENT Char DOE ID (recommended)
62-101 PLANT Char Plant Name (recommended)
102-111 SCC Char SCC (required)
112-115 BEGYR Int Beginning Year of Plant Operation (not used by SMOKE)
116-119 ENDYR Int Ending Year of Plant Operation (not used by SMOKE)
120-123 STKHGT Real Stack Height (ft) (required)
124-129 STKDIAM Real Stack Diameter (ft) (required)
130-133 STKTEMP Real Stack Gas Exit Temperature (°F) (required)
134-143 STKFLOW Real Stack Gas Flow Rate (ft3/s) (optional; automatically calculated by Smkinven from velocity and diameter if not given in file)
144-152 STKVEL Real Stack Gas Exit Velocity (ft/s) (required)
153-160 BOILCAP Real Design Capacity (mmBtu/h) (not used by SMOKE)
161-161 CAPUNITS Char Capacity Unit Code (not used by SMOKE)
162-163 WINTHRU Real Winter throughput (% of Annual) (not used by SMOKE)
164-165 SPRTHRU Real Spring throughput (% of Annual) (not used by SMOKE)
166-167 SUMTHRU Real Summer throughput (% of Annual) (not used by SMOKE)
168-169 FALTHRU Real Fall throughput (% of Annual) (not used by SMOKE)
170-171 HOURS Int Normal Operating Time (hr/day) (not used by SMOKE)
172-173 START Int Normal Operation Start Time (not used by SMOKE)
174-174 DAYS Int Normal Operating Time (days/wk) (not used by SMOKE)
175-176 WEEKS Int Normal Operating Time (wk/yr) (not used by SMOKE)
177-187 THRUPUT Real Throughput Rate (SCC units/yr) (not used by SMOKE)
188-199 MAXRATE Real Maximum O3 Season Rate (units/day) (not used by SMOKE)
200-207 HEATCON Real Heat Content (mmBtu/SCC unit) (not used by SMOKE)
208-212 SULFCON Real Sulfur Content (mass percent) (not used by SMOKE)
213-217 ASHCON Real Ash Content (mass percent) (not used by SMOKE)
218-226 NETDC Real Maximum Nameplate Capacity (MW) (not used by SMOKE)
227-230 SIC Int Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) (required)
231-239 LATC Real Latitude (decimal degrees) (required)
240-248 LONC Real Longitude (decimal degrees) (required)
249-249 OFFSHORE Char Offshore Flag (fill in with “X” if source is offshore), (not used by SMOKE)
250-262 ANN1 Real pol1 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr) (required)
263-275 AVD1 Real pol1 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
276-282 CE1 Real pol1 Control Efficiency (give value of 0-100) (recommended; if left blank, SMOKE default is 0)
283-285 RE1 Real pol1 Rule Effectiveness (give value of 0-100) (recommended; if left blank, SMOKE default is 100)
286-295 EMF1 Real pol1 Emission Factors (SCC units) (not used by SMOKE)
296-298 CPRI1 Int pol1 Primary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
299-301 CSEC1 Int pol1 Secondary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
302-314 ANN2 Real pol2 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr) (required)
315-327 AVD2 Real pol2 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
328-334 CE2 Real pol2 Control Efficiency (0-100); see pol1 above
335-337 RE2 Real pol2 Rule Effectiveness (0-100); see pol1 above
338-347 EMF2 Real pol2 Emission Factors (SCC units) (not used by SMOKE)
348-350 CPRI2 Int pol2 Primary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
351-353 CSEC2 Int pol2 Secondary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
354-366 ANN3 Real pol3 Annual Emissions (short tons/yr) (required)
367-379 AVD3 Real pol3 Average-day Emissions (short tons/average day) (optional)
380-386 CE3 Real pol3 Control Efficiency (0-100); see pol1 above
387-389 RE3 Real pol3 Rule Effectiveness (0-100); see pol1 above
390-399 EMF3 Real pol3 Emission Factors (SCC units) (not used by SMOKE)
400-402 CPRI3 Int pol3 Primary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
403-405 CSEC3 Int pol3 Secondary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
(Report for n pollutants) EMS-95 Format

For EMS-95 inputs, the PTINV file must be a list file (see Section, “Inventory list files” and must list the different types of EMS-95 files in a specific order. The order of the EMS-95 files is the same as would be achieved using from the UNIX command ls (i.e. alphabetical): device file, emissions file, facility file, process file, and stack file. These five files must be grouped together for the files to work together; for example, the North Carolina files must be together to correctly match source characteristics between the files.

Although it would be possible to create a single file of each type (i.e., a single device, emission, facility, process, or stack file with all records for all states), this approach is not recommended because Smkinven will be much slower than if the files are separated by state. This is because SMOKE must match the records among the various files, and it is much faster to do the matching with subsets of the data than with all of the data at once.

The PTINV list file must also contain at least one INVYEAR packet (see Section, “INVYEAR packet for EMS-95 format”. The following is an example of a correct PTINV file when used for EMS-95 inputs.

/epserv/apps/smoke/inventory/smraq95/ar/common/stack.pt Format for EMS-95 device.pt file(s)

The format of the device.pt file is column-specific and is shown in Table 8.46, “EMS-95 Format for device.pt”. The columns listed are only those that are used by SMOKE.

Table 8.46. EMS-95 Format for device.pt

Position Type Description
1-2 Int FIPS state code (required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char Facility ID (required)
21-32 Char Stack ID (required)
33-44 Char Device ID (required)
45-48 Char SIC (required)
121-122 Int Diurnal profile code (optional; you may use the PTREF file instead)
123-124 Int Weekly profile code (optional; you may use the PTREF file instead) Format for EMS-95 emission.pt file(s)

The format of the emission.pt file is column-specific and is shown in Table 8.47, “EMS-95 Format for emission.pt”. The columns listed are only those that are used by SMOKE.

Table 8.47. EMS-95 Format for emission.pt

Position Type Description
1-2 Int FIPS state code (required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char Facility ID (required)
21-32 Char Stack ID (required)
33-44 Char Device ID (required)
45-56 Char Process ID (required)
57-61 Char Pollutant ID (e.g., NOX) (required)
88-100 Real Actual emissions of specified pollutant (short tons/average annual day) (required)
114-115 Char

Temporal basis (required)

  • AA = annual emissions
  • AD = daily emissions with weekday normalizer
  • DS = day-specific emissions
126-132 Real Control equipment efficiency (percent, give value 0-100) (optional; SMOKE default is 0) Format for EMS-95 facility.pt file(s)

The format of the facility.pt file is column-specific and in shown in Table 8.48, “EMS-95 Format for facility.pt”.The columns listed are only those that are used by SMOKE.

Table 8.48. EMS-95 Format for facility.pt

Position Type Description
1-2 Int FIPS state code (required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char Facility ID (required)
25-33 Real UTM easting (m) (required)
34-42 Real UTM northing (m) (required)
43-44 Int UTM zone (required)
45-84 Char Facility name (required) Format for EMS-95 process.pt file(s)

The format of the process.pt is column-specific and is shown in Table 8.49, “EMS-95 Format for process.pt”. The columns listed are only those that are used by SMOKE.

Table 8.49. EMS-95 Format for process.pt

Position Type Description
1-2 Int FIPS state code (required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char Facility ID (required)
21-32 Char Stack ID (required)
33-44 Char Device ID (required)
45-56 Char Process ID (required)
57-64 Char SCC (required) Format for EMS-95 stack.pt file(s)

The format of the stack.pt is column-specific and is shown in Table 8.50, “EMS-95 Format for stack.pt”. The columns listed are only those that are used by SMOKE.

Table 8.50. EMS-95 Format for stack.pt

Position Type Description
1-2 Int FIPS state code (required)
3-5 Int FIPS county code (required)
6-20 Char Facility ID (required)
21-32 Char Stack ID (required)
33-40 Real Stack diameter (ft) (required)
41-47 Real Stack height above ground surface (ft) (required)
48-54 Real Stack exit gas temperature (K) (required)
55-61 Real Stack exit gas velocity (ft/s) (required)
62-71 Real Stack exit flow rate (ft3/min) (optional)
72-80 Real UTM easting of stack (m) (default is plant’s value) (optional; SMOKE will use value from facility file)
81-89 Real UTM northing of stack (m) (default is plant’s value) (optional; SMOKE will use value from facility file) ORL Format (Toxics)

The ORL format is list-directed and uses the header described in Section, “Header records”. Sample header records are shown below:

#TYPE     Point Source Toxics Inventory
#YEAR     1999
#DESC     Alabama 1999

The format for the data records is shown in Table 8.51, “ORL Format for PTINV”.

Table 8.51. ORL Format for PTINV

Position Name Type Description
A FIPS Int Five digit FIPS code for state and county (required)
B PLANTID Char Plant Identification Code (15 characters maximum) (required; this is the same as the State Facility Identifier in the NIF)
C POINTID Char Point Identification Code (15 characters maximum) (required; this is the same as the Emission Unit ID in the NIF)
D STACKID Char Stack Identification Code (15 characters maximum) (recommended; this is the same as the Emissions Release Point ID in the NIF)
E SEGMENT Char DOE Plant ID (15 characters maximum) (recommended; this is the same as the Process ID in the NIF)
F PLANT Char Plant Name (40 characters maximum) (recommended)
G SCC Char Source Classification Code (8 characters maximum) (required)

Emissions release point type (2 characters maximum); indicates type of stack (not used by SMOKE)

  • 01 = fugitive
  • 02 = vertical stack
  • 03 = horizontal stack
  • 04 = goose neck
  • 05 = vertical with rain cap
  • 06 = downward-facing vent

Source type (2 characters maximum); used by SMOKE in determining applicable MACT-based controls (required)

  • 01 = major
  • 02 = Section 12 area source
J STKHGT Real Stack Height (ft) (required)
K STKDIAM Real Stack Diameter (ft) (required)
L STKTEMP Real Stack Gas Exit Temperature (°F) (required)
M STKFLOW Real Stack Gas Flow Rate (ft3/sec) (optional; automatically calculated by Smkinven from velocity and diameter if not given in file)
N STKVEL Real Stack Gas Exit Velocity (ft/sec) (required)
O SIC Int Standard Industrial Classification Code (recommended)
P MACT Char Maximum Available Control Technology Code (6 characters maximum) (optional)
Q NAICS Char North American Industrial Classification System Code (6 characters maximum) (optional)

Coordinate system type (1 character maximum) (required)

  • U = Universal Transverse Mercator
  • L = Latitude/longitude

X location (required)

  • If CTYPE = U, Easting value (meters)
  • If CTYPE = L, Longitude (decimal degrees)

Y location (required)

  • If CTYPE = U, Northing value (meters)
  • If CTYPE = L, Latitude (decimal degrees)
U UTMZ Int UTM zone (required if CTYPE = U)
V CAS Char Pollutant CAS number or other code (10 characters maximum) (required; this is called the pollutant code in the NIF)
W ANN_EMIS Real Annual Emissions (tons/year) (required)
X AVD_EMIS Real Average-day Emissions (tons/average day) (optional)
Y CEFF Real Control Efficiency percentage (give value of 0-100) (recommended, if left blank, SMOKE default is 0)
Z REFF Real Rule Effectiveness percentage (give value of 0-100) (recommended, if left blank, SMOKE default is 100)
AA CPRI Int Primary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)
BB CSEC Int Secondary Control Equipment Code (not used by SMOKE)