6.4.3. Files and Environment Variables Input Files Input Environmant Variables Output Files

Figure 6.4. Emisfac input and output files

Emisfac input and output files

Figure 6.4, “Emisfac input and output files” shows the input and output files for the Emisfac program. The input files used depend on the GROUP_TYPE setting. GROUP_TYPE can be set to daily, weekly, monthly, or episode; these settings correspond to the input files DAILYGROUP, WEEKLYGROUP, MONTHLYGROUP, or EPISODEGROUP. Emisfac uses the hourly meteorology file HOURLYT as the first day of meteorology data; it continues processing using the additional hourly meteorology files output from Premobl. Other input files are the inventory data table (INVTABLE), a file listing the MOBILE6 scenario files (M6LIST), the mobile emission processes file (MEPROC), the mobile-source inventory file output from Smkinven (MOBL), a speed profiles file (only if USE_SPEED_PROFILES is set to Y), and a speed summary file output by Mbsetup (SPDSUM).

Emisfac outputs hourly emission factors corresponding to each hourly meteorology file that it processed. The program also creates a LOGFILE and outputs several intermediate files from the MOBILE6 processing. Input Files

File Name Format Description
DAILYGROUP (optional)* ASCII List of counties using day-average meteorology data, produced by Mbsetup
EPISODEGROUP (optional)* ASCII List of counties using episode-average meteorology data, produced by Mbsetup
HOURLYT I/O API NetCDF Initial hourly meteorology file produced by Premobl; assumed to match GROUP_TYPE environment variable
{GROUP_TYPE}.{date}.ncf I/O API NetCDF Hourly meteorology files subsequent to the HOURLYT file
INVTABLE ASCII Inventory data table containing activity and pollutant names
M6LIST ASCII List of MOBILE6 scenario files with full names and paths
MEPROC ASCII Mobile-source emission processes file
MOBL SMOKE map Intermediate inventory file produced by Smkinven
MONTHLYGROUP (optional)* ASCII List of counties using month-average meteorology data, produced by Mbsetup
SPDPRO (optional) ASCII Speed profiles file, required when USE_SPEED_PROFILES = Y
SPDSUM ASCII Vehicle speed summary file, produced by Mbsetup
WEEKLYGROUP (optional)* ASCII List of counties using week-average meteorology data, produced by Mbsetup

* At least one [xx]GROUP is required. Input Environmant Variables

  • ADJUST_HR_SPEED: [default: N]

    Indicates whether the hourly speeds should be adjusted to account for freeway ramps.

    • Y: Adjust hourly speeds to account for freeway ramps

    • N: Do not modify hourly speeds

  • ADJUST_INV_SPEED: [default: Y]

    Indicates whether average freeway speeds from the inventory should be adjusted to account for freeway ramps.

    • Y: Adjust inventory speeds to account for freeway ramps

    • N: Do not modify inventory speeds

  • EF_YEAR: [default: 1988]

    Sets the year for which to create emission factors.

  • GROUP_TYPE: [default: daily]

    Sets which temporal averaging group to process by indicating which of the group files (DAILYGROUP, WEEKLYGROUP, etc.) to open. Valid values are daily, weekly, monthly, and episode.

  • M6_FLAT_VMT: [default: Y]

    Determines if a flat hourly VMT profile should be used when running MOBILE6

    • Y: Use the command VMT BY HOUR with the external input file $SMK_M6PATH/SMOKE_flat_hr_vmt.def to run MOBILE6 with flat hourly VMT profile; Emisfac will comment out the VMT BY HOUR command in any MOBILE6 scenario files

    • N: Use the MOBILE6 default hourly VMT profile or the VMT BY HOUR command in the MOBILE6 scenario files

  • MB_HC_TYPE: [default: TOG]

    Sets the type of hydrocarbon pollutant to generate from MOBILE6. Valid values are THC, NMHC, VOC, TOG, and NMOG.

  • REPLACE_HUMIDITY: [default: Y]

    Defines whether to replace the humidity data in the MOBILE6 scenario files with those calculated in Premobl.

    • Y: Replace humidity data; Emisfac will comment out any RELATIVE HUMIDITY, ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY, and BAROMETRIC PRES commands it finds in the MOBILE6 scenario files and insert the RELATIVE HUMIDITY and BAROMETRIC PRES commands with the appropriate data calculated by Premobl.

    • N: Use original humidity values from MOBILE6 scenario files


    Defines whether to replace the temperatures in the MOBILE6 scenario files with those calculated in Premobl.

    • Y: Replace temperatures

    • N: Use original temperatures from MOBILE6 scenario files

  • SMK_EMISPATH: [default: .]

    Directory for the output emission factor files.

  • SMK_M6PATH: [default: .]

    Directory for the external MOBILE6 input files and intermediate files.

  • SMK_METPATH: [default: .]

    Directory for the hourly meteorology files.

  • SMK_SOURCE: See description in Section, “Input Environment Variables”

  • SMK_SPDPATH: [default: .]

    Directory for the speed files needed by MOBILE6.

  • USE_SPEED_PROFILES: [default: N]

    Indicates whether speed profiles (hourly speeds) should be used instead of inventory speeds.

    • Y: Use speed profiles instead of inventory speeds (requires SPDPRO file)

    • N: Use inventory speeds Output Files

File Name Format Description
emisfacs.${GROUP_TYPE}.{date}.ncf I/O API NetCDF Hourly emission factors corresponding to the hourly meteorology files, located in the SMK_EMISPATH directory
LOGFILE ASCII Log generated from executing Emisfac
various ASCII Intermediate files created when running MOBILE6, located in the SMK_M6PATH directory