Release Notes for VERDI 1.1 ---------------------------- These notes describe the difference between the previous public release of VERDI (version 1.05) and version 1.1. The notes describe: New Features Bug Fixes Known Issues Build Environment The following new features were added in version 1.1: Made fast tile plot menus consistent with the other tile plot (unavailable options are grayed out) - these include probing, saving animations, specifying subtitles, added a popup menu Added a conversion program (shape2bin) to convert shape files to .bin format files for the fast tile plot Allow users to add one or more custom maps for the fast tile plot Allow users to select or deselect maps displayed on fast tile plot The format of the values on the legend can be specified Lat-Lon data is now supported for fast tile plot The following bug fixes are included in VERDI version 1.1: Bugzilla Id: Description Bug 2900: World map oddities - the world map still has an oddity, but VERDI has been updated to allow the user to turn off the world map and use a regional map Bug 2525: format data on legend The edit domain window is no longer too big for the screen The following are known Issues in VERDI version 1.1: Specify domain range does not work for fast tile plot (only works for regular plot) Sometimes, the fast tile plot picture does not redraw and you need to click something to refresh it Add overlay of observations does not work for fast tile plot Add overlay of vectors does not work for fast tile plot BCON file support is not available Labeling issue on the time series plot Formatting of legend numbers is not accessible from scripting language Labels for domain and range axis cannot be entered on the fat tile plot Show lat-lon does not work for fast tile plot Draw grid lines does not work for fast tile plot Eps output does not work for fast tile plot Streaming of script commands to a live session is not yet available Bilinear interpolation of data is not available MPEG movie export is not available Title is cut off of exported quicktime movies Time steps and layers on Formulas/datasets tabs should be 1-based instead of 0-based Sliders should be changed to spinners on fast tile plot Pan function should be added to fast tile plot Probing single grid cell on the fast tile plot should show up as running value, with the lat-lon and/or grid cell, like the old tile plot When you probe on the fast tile plot, it redraws the tile plot over your table temporarily An Apply button would be nice to add to the configure window Need to use the specified legend number format for probing and running values on fast tile plot Support adjusting the min and max for the legend on the fast tile plot Add a blue-red diverging palette that is appropriate for some types of plots On the formulas tab, support using right click to add values into the editor for editing Zoom out to the extent of picture (from the popup menu on the fast tile plot) Make the maps configurable on fast tile plot (color, transparency, etc), and add a note regarding transparency State and county maps do not match the lines of the North America map Move the metadata button to a better place - perhaps to the popup menu for the dataset Show the map in the edit domain dialog Release Notes for VERDI 1.05 ---------------------------- These notes describe the difference between the previous public release of VERDI (version 1.03) and version 1.05. The notes describe: • New Features • Bug Fixes • Known Issues • Build Environment The following new features were added in version 1.05: • Polar Stereographic data is now supported. • A fast tile plot was added that provides fast data animation, but has limitations regarding plot configuration. • Double clicking on a variable from the Datasets pane adds it as a formula. • An error message is shown if a user tries to make a plot directly with observational data. • The formula text field is cleared after user adds the formula to the formula list on the Formula Editor. • "(OBS)" is appended to formulas if the dataset is observational. • The domain editor size and position was adjusted to align better with the user's desktop. • Color scales are now saved with plot configurations. • When loading/saving plot configurations, projects, and data, it remembers the previously selected folder. • The number of significant digits shown is reduced when editing the min and max of the legend. • Clicking highlights the contents of the Min/Max fields on the configuration dialog. • The configuration dialog opens with the existing plot configuration specified. • The order of the default single color palettes was reversed (now they go from light to darker). • Saving a picture updates the image folder. • The plot title may be optionally saved or not saved with a plot configuration. • The data used for a scatter plot may be exported to a CSV file. • Data values larger than the maximum of the color scale are now plotted using the topmost color. • Fast tile plot is added as an option from command line. The following bug fixes are included in VERDI version 1.05: Bugzilla Id: Description Bug 2509: Bug export data from scatter plot Bug 2544: Slow performance with remote x windows display Bug 2553: Warn users not to use observational datasets in formulas Bug 2633: Edit Domain Dialog Window too large for screen Bug 2660: Correct time stepping of observational data overlay on tile plot Bug 2849: Scripting with verdi (provide examples in User's Guide) To view a bug, use the following URL, but replace 2660 with the appropriate bug ID: The following are known Issues in VERDI version 1.05: • The fast tile plot doesn't support most of the functions of the regular tile plot. • Showing all available maps on the fast tile plot can use up all available memory. • Several reported issues still need to addressed in the next release, such as 2-D contour plot. • VERDI cannot load boundary conditions files (bug 2503) • Dataset subsetting rules not reflected in formula pane (bug 2522) • A memory management/reporting tool would be useful (bug 2529) • Only supports observational data in lat/lon, not lambert conformal projection (bug 2849) • It would be nice to Zoom plots synchronously (bug 2631) • It is not possible to export a subset of data to netCDF, but you may use m3xtract instead (bug 2635) • Support for chained files for datasets would be nice (bug 2647) • The default aspect ratio for the plot should make sense for the grid used (note that the fast tile plot should do a better job at sizing the plot) (bug 2756) THE Build Environment for VERDI version 1.05 is: • Java 6 - java version "1.6.0_13" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode, sharing)