AQCHEM_NOTES - 13 January 2010 Solver Stability Several problems in the aqueous chemistry routine were uncovered in the application of the CMAQv4.7 multipollutant model. In some instances, sporadic abnormally high sulfate concentrations were simulated (>400 ug/m3); in general, the noted abnormalities were episodic and variable. The aqueous chemistry subroutine in the multipollutant model includes new reactions with the hydroxyl radical to convert mercury (Hg) covalence states and to produce “cloud SOA” (Carlton et al., (2008)). These reaction rate constants are very fast ~ 1.E10 (L/mol/sec) compared to other reactions in the CMAQ aqueous mechanism, (e.g., ~1.E4 for S(IV) oxidation by H2O2). The stiffness resulting from coupling of faster and slower processes can lead to numerical instabilities in the forward Euler solver (i.e., the solver employed by aqchem.F for oxidation reactions). Several changes have been made to address the deficiencies in the aqueous chemistry solver. More precision was added to select variables to improve the accuracy of the calculations. Tests demonstrated that mass was not being conserved for species produced via aqueous phase oxidation reactions during the last chemistry integration step. This issue is only important episodically, when the maximum number of iterations (100) in the solver is reached (in which case the timestep for the final iteration is expanded to the remainder of the cloud lifetime. A design change was implemented so that now, after reaching 100 iterations, the solver will continue to integrate using a minimum 1 second timestep for the remainder of the cloud lifetime. Mass is conserved in the later part of the cloud lifetime, as total mass available is a limit for the oxidized amount. With this change, the mass conservation problems were eliminated. Considering that the aqueous chemistry routine was designed to predict sulfate and not stiff OH-reacting mechanisms, a further design change was implemented. Previously, OH reactions of glyoxal and methylglyoxal and Hg (for the multipollutant model) controlled the time step of oxidation reactions. Now only the sulfur reactions affect dt. In CMAQ’s gas phase, OH is assumed to be in pseudo-steady state, and it is not a transported species. This is because hydroxyl radical reactions tend to be catalytic (e.g., consumption and production). In the aqueous phase chemistry, OH is absorbed by cloud water and in an open cloud model (i.e., the design approach currently employed), absorbed species (e.g., OH) would be replenished via gas-to-cloud partitioning. However, due to operator splitting, aqueous and gas-phase chemistry are not solved simultaneously. To account for this and other uncertainties in predicted OH aqueous phase concentrations (e.g., neglect of production reactions (H2O2 + hv -> 2 OH) not currently implemented in aqchem), a steady-state assumption for OH is adopted in the aqueous chemistry routine. References: Carlton, A.G., B.J. Turpin, K.E. Altieri, S.P. Seitzinger, R. Mathur, S.J. Roselle, and R.J. Weber, CMAQ Model Performance Enhanced When In-Cloud Secondary Organic Aerosol is Included: Comparison of Organic Carbon Predictions with Measurements, Environ. Sci. Technol., 42(23), 8798-8802, 2008.