8. Revision History

The Spatial Allocator set of tools have been updated since release 3.5, Sept. 2008. The following updates have been made:

  1. Reorganized directory structure:
  2. Directory Content
    /bin all executable files
    /data input data used by the example run scripts
    /doc user manuals and release notes for the current version of the SA
    /output output data generated by the example run scripts
    /raster_scripts example run scripts for the SA Raster Tools
    /scripts example run scripts for the SA Vector Tools
    /src SA source code
    /srgtools files for the SA Surrogate Tools

New Features Added in December 2007

In the fall 2007, the following changes were made:

New Features Added in October 2006

In October 2006, the following changes were made:

New Features Added in Spring and Summer 2006

In the spring and summer of 2006, the following changes were made:

New Features Added in June/July 2005

The source code for the Spatial Allocator has undergone significant revision. The main executable, mims_spatial.exe, has been divided into separate utilities for surrogate processing and spatial allocation (srgcreate.exe and allocator.exe), and the supporting source files have been reorganized, with many functions now residing in their own modules. All supporting source files that are not associated with external libraries have been placed in a library called libspatial. These changes allow for better full-life-cycle maintenance of the software.

New Features Added in January 2005

Revisions Made in December 2003

To Section 9: Future Enhancements