3.1. Download and Installation

To download and install the Spatial Allocator, perform the following steps:

  1. The Spatial Allocator (set of Vector, Raster and Surrogate Tools) is available for download from the CMAS Center website
  2. On the left-hand side of the website, in the Download Center panel, click on MODEL
  3. Log in using an existing CMAS account, or create a new CMAS account.
  4. Use the pull-down list to select Spatial Allocator as the model you wish to download, then click submit.
  5. Specify the type of computer you are planning to run the Spatial Allocator as Linux.
  6. In the table that appears, follow the links to the gzipped tar archive for Linux, download this file into a directory with at least 1GB of available disk space (with all open source packages and required and some sample data).
  7. Downloaded the sa_052013.tar.gz download file from the CMAS website do the following:
    tar -xzvf sa_052013.tar.gz
    The directory sa_052013 is referred to as the SA_HOME variable in bin/sa_setup.csh.
  8. The following input data files are available for download from the CMAS website:
    1) Sample BELD3 data
    2) Sample shapefiles for Surrogate Tools
    3) Pre-processed 2001 V2 NLCD and MODIS data for the BELD4 tool
    4) Pre-processed 2006 NLCD and MODIS data for the BELD4 tool
    5) Processed GIS files for EPIC site information generation
  9. For additional input data, check the EPA site http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/. The Spatial section has data used to create surrogates, and the Biogenic section (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/biogenic/) has data used to create SMOKE biogenic-related input files.'

To Section 3.2: Setting Up User Environment for Vector Tools